SSRgenotyper: A new tool to digitally genotype simple sequence repeats
FEBRUARY 4, 2021
SSRgenotyper: A simple sequence repeat genotyping application for whole-genome resequencing and reduced representational sequencing projects.
FEBRUARY 4, 2021
SSRgenotyper: A simple sequence repeat genotyping application for whole-genome resequencing and reduced representational sequencing projects.
JANUARY 13, 2021
To discover these associations, researchers need to compare the genomes of many individuals at millions of genetic locations or markers, and therefore require cost-effective genotyping technologies. A new statistical method, developed […].
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NOVEMBER 10, 2020
For more information on tackling this “genomic analysis bottleneck,” watch this on-demand webinar. HS: Due to the heterogeneity of the rare disease population, there are many relevant gene lists, and the genomic data analysis of these patients covers almost 2,000 different genetic targets. ” or “Why is my child different?”
APRIL 15, 2021
New advances in heart failure genomics are helping to address this challenge. Experts from Servier and Genuity Science recently spoke on a webinar about using genomics data to drive drug development in heart failure and identify new targets for novel therapeutics. Watch this on-demand webinar to hear from these experts.
JANUARY 18, 2023
However, the Resilience Project’s scientists had used genomic data originally collected for other studies and, due to limitations in the original studies’ informed consent policies and a lack of infrastructure to recontact participants, none of the 13 individuals could be contacted with follow-up questions or requests.
Worldwide Clinical Trials
FEBRUARY 6, 2023
As genome-wide association studies to identify genetic markers for common diseases increase, these questions will surface even more. The best course of action will depend on many variables, such as the disease or population being studied and the genotype/phenotype relationship, risk, and impact on care.
JUNE 23, 2022
Orofacial clefts (OFCs) are congenital birth defects where the independently derived facial primordia that form the orofacial complex fail to fuse properly during embryonic development. Recent African genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for OFCs identified 170 near significant SNPs (p=10-5).
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