SSRgenotyper: A new tool to digitally genotype simple sequence repeats
FEBRUARY 4, 2021
SSRgenotyper: A simple sequence repeat genotyping application for whole-genome resequencing and reduced representational sequencing projects.
FEBRUARY 4, 2021
SSRgenotyper: A simple sequence repeat genotyping application for whole-genome resequencing and reduced representational sequencing projects.
Worldwide Clinical Trials
FEBRUARY 6, 2023
When using genetic screening to identify clinical trial volunteers, a sponsor’s obligations for further testing and disclosure of results to patients and families are unclear, especially when the results have no impact on medical management. Guidance in this area is much needed. Read the full article! Read the full article!
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Pharmaceutical Technology
AUGUST 18, 2022
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted approval for bluebird bio ’s Zynteglo (betibeglogene autotemcel, beti-cel) for the treatment of the underlying genetic cause of beta?thalassemia 0 genotypes. thalassemia in adult and paediatric patients.
Medical Xpress
APRIL 3, 2023
Work by an international research team led by Yu Xu and Michael Inouye at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, has resulted in a unique resource for predicting multi-omics data directly from genotypes. A Research Briefing on the study is published in the same journal issue.
JANUARY 18, 2023
In 2016, scientists behind a study called the Resilience Project analysed genetic data from 589,000+ people and found 13 adults who carried genetic variants that should have resulted in serious – even deadly – childhood disease, but who were apparently healthy. Why should research be any different? with their priorities.
Worldwide Clinical Trials
DECEMBER 12, 2022
Genetic testing provides patients with a diagnosis for their illness, helps patients and family members to understand risks of developing new diseases, and can be used to support clinical trial advancement. What are the benefits and limitations to using genetic testing? It is important to consider the type of testing performed (e.g.,
Medical Xpress
JANUARY 5, 2023
National Institutes of Health researchers have published an assessment of 13 studies that took a genotype-first approach to patient care. This approach contrasts with the typical phenotype-first approach to clinical research, which starts with clinical findings.
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